Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA): Bird Island WWTP Air Blower System Improvements


Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA)


Buffalo Sewer Authority (BSA): Bird Island WWTP Air Blower System Improvements

Work Performed
Demo and removal of existing cast iron air blowers and installation of new Dual-Core Centrifugal Turbo Blowers, with Variable Frequency Drives and Master Control System, and new insulated epoxy-coated steel air piping. Project required unique demolition and rigging techniques to remove the existing 40 ton blower units out of the building over elevated concrete slabs. Extensive layout, pre-planning, and design of piping configurations was also required to ensure that the new blower units and 54” & 14” diameter air piping could be installed at the site without issue. $5.7M project completed in 2019.

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